Capacities Believer
Support us in building the best software for knowledge work – powerful, accessible, and beautiful.
Beta Access to major new features
As a Believer, you will always be at the cutting edge of what Capacities is capable of.
You get access to all Pro features and beta access to major new developments.
Support an independent team
We are building Capacities to be a powerful tool that is still accessible to everyone. We get up every morning because we believe in that.
Your support will let us stay independent and help us build this vision with an unconstrained focus.
Boost a product you love
All subscription revenue will flow into building Capacities – it’s as direct as it can get.
It will accelerate the development of a product you love and use every day.
With early access and prioritized feedback you can shape what Capacities will become!
Early Access Features
Here are the features that are currently in early access.