
Thoughts and ideas in the space of personal knowledge management, building a studio for your mind, and stories around Capacities.
Blog Article

What offline-first means for you

In our latest newsletters and posts, we talked a lot about our transition to making Capacities offline-first. This is a very abstract idea in the software space. Here's why this is so big and what this means for you as a user.
Steffen Bleher

Steffen Bleher

5 min read
Blog Article

What if Capacities was gone tomorrow?

Here's what we can say about it.
Steffen Bleher

Steffen Bleher

5 min read
Blog Article

Why we focus on individuals

We often receive questions about why we don't offer Capacities for teams. Let us explain.
Steffen Bleher

Steffen Bleher

3 min read
Blog Article

Our YouTube Channel

How we are developing our YouTube channel as part of our product strategy.
Michael von Hohnhorst

Michael von Hohnhorst

2 min read
Blog Article

Why we are focusing on integrations

We recently launched the Capacities API in beta and introduced community integrations. Here's what this means and some quick comments on our decision-making.
Steffen Bleher

Steffen Bleher

2 min read
Blog Article

New vs. existing features

How do you balance adding new features vs improving existing ones?
Michael von Hohnhorst

Michael von Hohnhorst

5 min read
Blog Article

Why Capacities will become offline-first

We recently committed to transforming Capacities into an offline-first application. This was a big step, and here's why.
Steffen Bleher

Steffen Bleher

1 min read
Blog Article

So much positive feedback from users with ADHD!

" simply clicks with how my brain thinks".
Michael von Hohnhorst

Michael von Hohnhorst

1 min read
Blog Article

Why I decided to work at Capacities

I'm Beth, I work in Content and Marketing at Capacities. Here's why I decided to join the team.


2 min read
Blog Article

My workflow to work with Kindle highlights

I've recently been playing with my Kindle highlights and exported them via email from my iPad. It is a great way to review all my highlights after finishing a book...
Michael von Hohnhorst

Michael von Hohnhorst

3 min read
Blog Article

Why did we add an AI chat to Capacities, although ChatGPT already exists?

Here are some thoughts about why we decided to integrate an AI chat into Capacities.
Steffen Bleher

Steffen Bleher

3 min read
Blog Article

Why did we decide to build Capacities?

Knowledge work can be overwhelming. There must be a better way, so we decided to do it ourselves.
Steffen Bleher

Steffen Bleher

2 min read
Blog Article

How we developed tables in Capacities

Explaining our process and why we think it's one of the best table implementations in any note-taking app.
Michael von Hohnhorst

Michael von Hohnhorst

2 min read
Blog Article

How we decide which new features to add

What's our decision making process? Here's the answer.
Steffen Bleher

Steffen Bleher

2 min read
Blog Article

Why the name "Capacities"

A short history of how Capacities got its name and what it means to us.
Michael von Hohnhorst

Michael von Hohnhorst

3 min read
Blog Article

Better Linking with Hookmark

Hookmark allows you to link anything on your computer to your notes in Capacities. Here's how.


7 min read
Blog Article

Create a network of thoughts with Capacities - Ness Labs

In this interview, we talked about the concept of a second brain, the analogy between cities and minds, how thinking in hierarchical categories limits our creative thinking, how we all are chronological thinkers, how to use tags to form a meta network of your content, and more.
Ness Lab

Ness Lab

18 min read
Blog Article

A Guide to Personal Knowledge Management with Capacities

In this guide, we will show you how to do PKM with Capacities. We’ll explain different concepts and show you how to create your workflow in Capacities.
Michael von Hohnhorst

Michael von Hohnhorst

16 min read
Blog Article

Our first redesign

User interfaces need to constantly evolve to reflect the product, its feeling and the vision. Today we explore the reasons behind it.
Michael von Hohnhorst

Michael von Hohnhorst

2 min read
Blog Article

Not all notes are created equal

We don't have to think in faceless pages, create notes that resembles your thinking instead.
Steffen Bleher

Steffen Bleher

2 min read
Blog Article

A second brain

In this post we describe what a second brain is, its purpose, and the challenges in building one.
Michael von Hohnhorst

Michael von Hohnhorst

5 min read
Blog Article

How to create the knowledge base for your life

By combining two approaches from personal knowledge management we can create a powerful second brain.
Steffen Bleher

Steffen Bleher

3 min read

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