
Think in your terms.

We don’t think in abstract pages. Capacities lets you create people, book summaries, or questions instead.


Custom object types

Create your own object types with just the properties you need.


Automate workflows around your objects and create structured content faster.

Page layouts

Choose between profile, encyclopedia, index card, and standard page to create beautiful content.

Powerful, block-based editing

Combine toggles, list, headings, and styles to build just the block you need. Work even faster with markdown-based shortcuts.

Media of all types

Enrich your content with images, tweets, files, audio, and embeds.

Full-text search

Search globally for everything.

Text statistics

Word, paragraph, and character count.
Networked note-taking

Discover networked note-taking

Say goodbye to folders and tables. Think naturally and create a network of your thoughts.

Contextual backlinks

Backlinks with rich contextual info.


Tag your content with keywords and create beautiful dossiers.

Block linking

Link to individual blocks and use them in various objects simultaneously.
Mobile app

Your Studio:
with you wherever you go

The Capacities Mobile app companion.
Our mobile app is built to be the perfect companion to the desktop app - search, upload, and take notes on the go.

Daily Notes

Plan your day, quickly jot down ideas, and reflect on your meetings, thoughts, media or experiences.

Powerful Search

Find what you are looking for in seconds.

Quick Capture

Quickly add photos, use the camera, or create new content.

Share Sheet

Save content from other apps to Capacities.

AI Assistant

A powerful assistant right and your pocket and linked to your notes.

Explore Connections

Find hidden connections and supercharge your creative thinking.
Capacities Pro

Get next-level Pro-ductive

Supercharge your productivity and get the most powerful tools for modern knowledge work.

Smart queries

Surface just the content you need

Get new insights by returning content based on rules, keywords, or tags. Let Capacities automatically organize your content for you.

Object queries

Return content based on a set of object types and optional filters.

Search queries

Return content based on a set of keywords and optional filters.

Tag queries

Return content that is tagged by a set of tags and optional filters.
AI magic

Objects meet AI

Let our powerful AI assistant help you do your best thinking. Use Capacities AI to dynamically interact with any object in your notes. Ask questions based on your content, or let it help you spark new ideas.

Task actions

Send your tasks to where they need to be

Capacities' task actions allow you to send tasks from Capacities to your task manager of choice. This way, you can keep track of your tasks in your dedicated task manager, rather than having them distributed throughout different apps.

And more...

Also included in Capacities Pro:

Formulas in tables

Use formulas to calculate values in your tables.

Unlinked mentions

Helps you find missing connections in your notes.

Unlimited file uploads

Upload as many files as you need (100 MB limit per file)

Curated icon set

Get access to curated set of beautiful and wide-ranging icons.

Public API (Beta)

Access Capacities data and functionality programmatically.

Raycast integration

Access Capacities from everywhere on your Mac. No context switching anymore.

Web Highlights integration

Send your browser highlighting to Capacities.
Upgrade to Capacities Pro!

Hear directly from our Believers

I've been experimenting with Capacities for about four days and just became a Believer today 💫 The clincher was the realisation that Capacities gives me the ability to browse my notes, which isn't something I've been able to do in Obsidian, Notion or Tana. I'm quite a visual person so the Gallery & Wall views are exactly what I need to be able to look across my notes. I've never felt like I've been able to 'zoom out' in this way before. It's the perfect mix of structure and creativity. Love it and can't way to play with it more!

I'm now a "Believer." I look forward to continued product developments and to explore how they integrate into my work as an instructional coach in a secondary school. (I'm eagerly awaiting the development of Task Management!) Best wishes

This app is worth every penny, and I'm genuinely excited to dive deeper into its features and functionalities. I'm looking forward to sharing insights, learning from all of you, and becoming a true 'believer' in the capacities of this incredible app! Cheers to innovative note-taking and meaningful connections here!

Prince Markie D
Hi @Michael_v_H and @Steffen and everyone on Team Capacities! You should be very proud of the great tool you are creating! After playing with Capacities a bit and enjoying how intuitive it is to use, I joined as a True Believer.
