Why we are as transparent as possible
Just last week, we published our latest “What’s next” article and received a lot of positive feedback on our general transparency. Here’s why we try to be as transparent as possible.
For us, there are four big reasons.
First, it’s fair. If I were a Capacities user, I’d want to know it, too. Capacities is a tool you work with every day. You trust us with your content and rely on it to get work done. You have all the right to know which direction this tool is going, why we focus on some things and not others, who we collaborate with, who’s working on Capacities, and so on. By being transparent, we try to answer these questions as best we can.
Second, it helps you to make the best decision possible. Capacities is not the tool for everyone, and we don’t want to persuade you to believe that. There might be some short-term gains for us as a company by making users believe stuff that might not come true. We are 100% convinced that this will backfire in the long run. Sharing how we think about topics and being honest about evolving our thoughts will make sure that there’s no mismatch between what’s going to happen and what you think what’s going to happen. And it helps you find out if Capacities works for you.
Third, it’s by far the best way to create the best Capacities possible. Our “What’s next” articles are based on hundreds if not thousands of user comments and ideas mixed with our ideas and vision. If our perception is wrong, users in our community will let us know. So even before committing to a topic or idea, we already got the feedback, and we can adjust without losing much time and resources.
Forth, we can do it. Nothing, and nobody is preventing us from sharing it. There’s no secret plan or hidden incentives we have to follow. Capacities is 100% owned by us. There’s no outside influence that requires us to trade long-term goals and our vision for short-term interests.
And if you’re curious, here’s how we try to be as transparent as possible:
- We regularly share our “What’s next” articles outlining our short- to long-term roadmap, including the reasoning behind it.
- We share roadmaps and planned features in the docs so you can better understand what to expect.
- A lot of ideas and feature requests get shared on our feedback board. With pinned comments, we try to be precise about our plans and thoughts regarding these feature requests. We also communicate when features are not planned for the near-term future.
- Many questions about features and the future of Capacities get asked in our community. We try to be as responsive as possible or share overall thoughts in articles and our roadmap.
- We write about it on our blog. We create blog posts on many topics, including articles on how we operate, how our company is structured, and how we develop Capacities.
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