
Capacities is a space for creative work, and the Idea object type is a great way to capture and develop the ideas you have whilst working.
The idea object type is simple, to help you write down your ideas quicker. But it still comes with some properties for structure:
Title - Write down your top level idea, you can develop it further in the notes property (below).
Tags: Tags are great to have with every object type. It’s great to tag your ideas if you want them to appear in different contexts as you develop them. For example, you could tag them with a project tag, a topic tag or a status tag.
Notes (blocks property): That’s where we develop the idea further. Start slowly and intentionally, and once your idea is ready to become a project, or a piece of writing. Simply convert your idea object into a different type. See how here.
You can at any point adjust these properties. You can remove them if you think they’re unnecessary or add new ones. Learn more about it here.