
As we go through life, we collect places of interest, be it cities, towns, restaurants or things to do when visiting a new place. You can collect and categorize all of these types of place with a dedicated place object type.
To create a structure for your places and to help categorise them later, it will have the following properties:
- Name: The place name.
Tags: Tags are great to have with every object type. You can tag places with the themes they remind you of e.g. #historical interest, or things like #2025. This makes quotes easy to find them in different contexts. We will do further categorisation in the next properties.
Cover Image: Add an image so you can create a gallery of places that are important to you!
Category: Here is where you can create categories for the type of places you are collecting information about. Some ideas: restaurant, museum, cultural site, town, city.
- Notes (blocks property): Here you can expand on why you’ve saved the place. Why do you want to visit? Have you visited already, if so, what did you learn about it?
You can adjust these properties at any point to really make this place object type your own. You can remove properties if you think they’re unnecessary or add new ones. Learn more about this here.