
Inspirational, motivating or intriguing quotes can be found anywhere; having a dedicated Quote object type is a great way to capture them.
To create a structure for your quotes, it will have the following properties:
- Name: The full quote
Tags: Tags are great to have with every object type. You can tag quotes with the themes they remind you of, or things like #inspirational or #motivating. This makes quotes easy to find them in different contexts.
Cover Image: An optional visual addition to your quote
Notes (blocks property): Quotes are often the trigger for reflection and inspiration, so you can write about this in the blocks beneath the title. You can tag the quote with the themes it discusses, or create collections of your favorite ones.
You can adjust these properties at any point to really make this quote object type your own. You can remove properties if you think they’re unnecessary or add new ones. Learn more about this here.