Small card view customization

Finally, another regular release that introduces a nice new feature: customization of small cards. 🚀

This update is packed with several major bug fixes and many small improvements. Behind the scenes, we’ve also worked on a ton of infrastructure improvements, which we describe in more detail below.

Customizable small card view

There is now a setting to customize the small card view of custom object types. You can use almost all properties of that object type (except for specific blocks properties) and even a word count indicator as a nice little extra.

Customized small card view of a book object type

We’ve also reworked the overall design of the small card view, and we hope that this addresses some of the feedback we’ve received in the past, such as a better information hierarchy by giving the blocks-content preview a slight border to distinguish it from the title and always displaying the full title, even if it is multi-line.

Screenshot with long titles

With the new design, the rendering performance of the small cards has also been improved.

The customization is available in the object type settings…

Screenshot of settings

…and as a submenu in the object menu when you are in a data view of that object type.

Screenshot of object menu with customization

Some properties are even directly editable within the small card view. These include custom date properties, all entity properties, and checkboxes. You can also rearrange the order of properties and remove any property except for the title from the preview.

Editing of a select property from the card

Editing of a date property from the card

You can read more about it in our docs.

Better handling of contextual backlinks

We’ve recently reworked several details around contextual backlinks:

  • Contextual backlinks are now directly editable in the embed and list view. This allows you to quickly edit the block with the backlink without expanding the full content. Some operations are limited, though, due to the constrained view, such as creating new sibling blocks, etc.

    Editable contextual backlinks

  • We’ve also added scroll-to and highlighting of the block with the backlink when you click on “Jump to position” in the embed view or on the block itself in other views.

    Jump to position

  • More fine-grained control of how much context is visible for contextual backlinks: Only the block with the link is shown by default to make the view as compact as possible. To still let you explore the full path of a nested backlink, we’ve added a button “Show full path” to the top of the embed view. In some cases where the expansion of the full path is not available, we will display three dots (“…”) to indicate the presence of a path.

    Show full path

  • Separate toggle-states for content/paths in backlinks or block references and the main content: We display the surrounding path of blocks to a link in our contextual backlinks. This path can include blocks with toggles. These toggles now have their own local toggle state. If you open or close them, the toggle state of the main content will be altered. The same applies to block references. So if you have a deeply nested block as a block reference, the toggle states inside the block reference will not affect the main content.

AI auto-fill for description

AI-autofill for descriptions

Next to the “Add description” button, you can now find a new button: “AI auto-fill”. This button will auto-fill the description based on content.

Security and reliability improvements

Since the server outage last week, we have been working full-steam on improving the reliability of Capacities.

We moved to a more reliable and faster infrastructure and are collaborating with security experts. We published a post-mortem on the outage.

On top of that, we improved a lot of details in the background and made Capacities faster and more secure. This includes:

Session management in account settings

You can now see all your active sessions in the account settings. You can also log out of all other sessions. This is useful if you think your password has been compromised. (July 26, 2023)

Better security mechanisms: On password change, you can now decide if you want to log out of all other sessions. This is useful if you think your password has been compromised. Because of this change, all your active sessions will be logged out with this update. (July 23, 2023)

Change your account email: You can now change your account email in the account settings.

Change email settings

New design for object dropdown-picker

Better, more compact design of object dropdown-picker of an object property.

Screenshot of new dropdown

Editor setting to always create inline links

We’ve added an option in the editor settings to always create inline links when linking other objects (especially at the beginning of a block). The only exception is images, which will always default to their embed view.

Add multiple AI API keys

You can now add multiple AI keys to your account and assign them to specific spaces. This is especially helpful if you want to use different AI keys for personal and work spaces.

X-Callback action for appending to today’s daily note

You can now send notes to your daily note by using an x-callback on your desktop device. You can read more about it here.

Additional recent fixes and improvements

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